Hi, guys! This week we reached 10,000 likes on Facebook! This is very exciting for us and more importantly, exciting for you! This week w...

Your phone is basically the third hand that never gets washed because it touches EVERYTHING. We’re here to give you some tips on how to ...

PhoneSoap had the honor of donating a PhoneSoap 3 and PhoneSoap XL to the family of Tiffany King – a mother of six who underwent a rare ...

If there’s one thing I’ve heard time and time again from consumers during my years at PhoneSoap, it’s “I just wipe my phone down with an ...

How Dirty is My Phone? "I'm the only person that touches my phone, so why would I need to clean it? There's nothing on it." No offense.....

"Does PhoneSoap really work?" We get this question ALL THE TIME! With no visible evidence, it's hard to tell. Our short answer is yes, o...

Global warming, vehicle fumes, greenhouse gasses, smoke from fires, and even pets are all things that can and are negatively affecting ou...

We all have that one friend who could use some help to organize their life. Not only is their house in disarray, but it seems like they’r...

Let's face it. These are stressful times. And stress often affects our sleep. And these days, we all understand how important sleep is. S...

As a wise person once said, work is only as fun as your most fun coworker. It was me. I said that. I’m SO wise, and yes, you can quote me...